Customer Stories
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- Dynacare's stunning results
- LDI, the Benefits of Self-Service
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- Large Pharmaceutical consolidates multiple service desks
- myBrand ISA 3402 compliance with IncidentMonitor™
- Ajilon Solves Internal Service Desk solves it all with IncidentMonitor™
- NCI grows Service Desk support with IncidentMonitor™
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myBrand gets ISA 3402 cerification with help of Service Desk Software solution IncidentMonitor™
myBrand is an SAP consulting organisation that began in 2004
providing SAP solutions to companies. Organisations using SAP
need a long term relationship with a reliable partner who offers
flexible, integrated service, delivered by experienced consultants
who can translate real time business to process, and can support
the organization technically and functionally during and after
implementation - all at a competitive price. myBrand offers clients
a refreshing, pioneering, proactive approach to SAP services.
The Challenge: Due to growth, myBrand had reached capacity on its current system of managing service requests from both external and internal customers. In addition, external customers had requested myBrand become ISA 3402 (also known as SAS 70) certified.
Choosing the Right Service Desk Software Solution

When NL-based SAP consulting firm myBrand set an objective to select an enterprise-wide service desk software solution, the decision was created by two important factors. First, given the strong and steady growth of the company, the implementation of a service desk software solution had become vital to the future success of the company. Second, customers had requested that myBrand achieve ISA 3402 compliance (also known as SAS 70), a certification that required detailed reports that could be generated by the right service desk software solution.
In 2010, myBrand had reached capacity on its
current system of managing service requests,
particularly those from external customers.
“We knew our current tool did not support
certain crucial Key Performance Indicators
(KPIs), and we needed a more formal system
to ensure we met our Service Level Agreements
(SLAs),” explains Mr. Weijs.
The second factor was a request from some of myBrand’s customers to become ISA 3402 certified. This customer request was top priority for myBrand. As noted by a top accounting firm: An SAS 70 report is a formal report on the design, implementation and effectiveness of controls within a service organisation, usually covering a period of not less than six months and is primarily used to support the financial audit process of entities that use outside service organisations. “ISA 3402 is basically a certification that states your organisation’s internal controls function exactly the way you state they do,” says Mr. Weijs. The certification requires the organisation provide detailed reports on its internal controls for a minimum six month time period, which is then verified by a third party, i.e. an accounting firm. The selected software solution would need to be able to provide these reports.
Choosing the Right Service Desk
Software Solution
Faced with these two requirements, the team at
myBrand began the detailed process of
choosing the right solution - no easy task for
any organisation looking to make the right
decision in a marketplace filled with options on
functionality, service, customization and price.
“Our organisation knew the decision of
choosing the right service desk software was
serious, so we went about it in a very serious
way,” explains Mr. Weijs. After researching
various software companies the team sent a
questionnaire listing myBrand’s requirements to
select software providers. Once the responses
were received, the team sat down and created a
short list of five companies that were asked to
come in and make a presentation.
In addition, the organisation also wanted to
ensure that whichever software solution was
selected, it could be used by both internal
(staff) and external customers. Added to that,
staff users had varying levels of comfort and
familiarity with this kind of technology, so it also
needed to be easy to train and fairly intuitive.
And the final requirement? Having a good business relationship with the software company and its representatives, notes Mr. Weijs.
Meeting these needs was a tall order, recognizes
Mr. Weijs, but one that was ultimately
filled by the team at Monitor 24-7 Inc. and its
full-featured out-of-the-box service desk
software solution, IncidentMonitor™.
“The presentation given by Monitor 24-7 on IncidentMonitor™ was very detailed and well done,” states Mr. Weijs. “Every question that we asked was answered immediately. It was obvious that the company knew its product well.”
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