ITIL® Service Desk Software End User Features
IncidentMonitor™ has a flexible user interface. You will define access to the application for your user community. Using IncidentMonitor™'s role-based security, your users will access processes and features based on your requirements. Users will access the application using their browser.
Monitor 24-7 is very much focused on self support and ease of use. End users logging calls can use predefined web forms from the service catalog or can enter free-form text when logging a ticket. In both situations you can easily display custom fields to capture all required information from the user. This way you are always a step ahead in gathering the data you require to solve issues. Your end users also have the option to submit issues by email. The email will create a ticket with auto assignment to the correct support team, service policies applied and work flow executed.
In addition, IncidentMonitor will automatically display a list of matching knowledge articles when your users are logging a ticket using the browser.

Experience with our customers learns us that end users have to be able:
- To log their own calls
- To view the status of open requests
- To log requests with one click of a button
- To be able to start chat sessions with the support team
- To provide all required information when submitting a request
- To access a knowledge base to find the answers themselves
- To order services via the IT Store or Service Catalog
- To run reports if they are a member of an appropriate security role.

IncidentMonitor™ provides you with:
- My IncidentMonitor™ allows users to choose their own widgets for their service portal
- Service Catalog displays your organization's electronic forms. Your users will complete the electronic with all data required by your support teams to quickly address the issue. The electronic forms will display your custom fields, work flow capabilities, costing and reporting
- Self Service Knowledge Base indexes off-the-shelf content as well as index your organization's knowledge articles
- Security Controlled Knowledge Base limits access to knowledge articles based on your user's security role membership
- Download and Document provides your users with access to your organization's documents and software
- Whiteboard / Notifications conveys current or critical information to your user community
- Automated notification messages uses custom formats which allows you to produce rich HTML or plain text email messages. Send to and receive emails from your users for ticket updates. Service is all about communication!
- E-mail access to create requests, update requests and perform knowledge base queries. Windows, Web, E-mail and mobile clients (eg Blackberry, Pocket PC phones, Android, iOS, etc.).
- And many more...