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- ITIL® - ITSM Software Solution
- ITIL® Process Overview
- Incident Management Software
- Change Management Software
- Problem Management Software
- Service Asset & Configuration Software
- Service Level Management Software
- Service Catalog Management Software
- Release & Deployment Management Software
- Request Fulfilment Software
- Event Management Software
- Knowledge Management Software
- Internal Service Desk
- External IT Support Desk
- RMA Software Solution
- Sales Support Solution
IncidentMonitor™ Knowledge Management Software
Knowledge Management Software Objective according to ITIL® Service Transition - ST 4.7.1. To enable the service provider to be more efficient and improve quality of service, increase satisfaction and reduce the cost of service; to ensure staff have a clear and common understanding of the value that their services provide to customers and the ways in which benefits are realized from the use of those services; to ensure that, at a given time and location, the service provider staff have adequate information on who uses their services, current states of consumption, service delivery constraints and difficulties faced by the customer in fully realizing the benefits expected from the service.
IncidentMonitor™ Knowledge Management Software
IncidentMonitor™ Knowledge Management Software provides a comprehensive, yet controllable approach to Knowledge Management. We understand that effective, integrated Knowledge Management Software which is simple to use (by both users and administrators) will provide tremendous benefit to the organization. IncidentMonitor™ Knowledge Management was developed based on these principles.
- Self Service Software is key to a successful organization. End users logging calls in IncidentMonitor Service Desk Software will be automatically directed to knowledge base articles. Giving them the
answers they are looking for directly without having to contact the service desk.
- IncidentMonitor™ Knowledge Management Software is tightly integrated with all bundled ITIL® Software processes.
- From within any ITIL® Softwareprocess, (e.g. Incident Management), a user with the appropriate security level can flag the Incident Management request as a possible candidate for a knowledge base article.
- Support agents can save time by accessing relevant knowledge base articles when logging an incident. IncidentMonitor will automatically display all relevant knowledge articles.
- Flagging a ticket as a knowledge document candidate will start the process which includes reviewing, approving and submitting the knowledge article to the database.
- A notification is sent to interested end user groups when the article is added to the database and it is immediately searchable using a natural language query by both technicians and end users.
- Knowledge Management Software provides a full audit and control over the article.
- It is also possible to start the knowledge management workflow for KB article creating directly from a form which you can design yourself.
- Reports are available to view usage and identify knowledge gaps.
- Administrators can review article usage and update, retire and remove articles from the database.
With IncidentMonitor™ Knowledge Management Software, customers have full management of the process from knowledge review, approval and submission to the database and the on-going review to ensure that all articles are current and relevant.
Some features of the out-of-box Knowledge Management process
- Work flow to manage review, approval and submission of articles.
- Supports multiple file formats Office, HTML, PDF, text, etc.
- Tracks article usage. Analysis can be performed on article usage to retire articles.
- Notifications can be sent to interested parties when an article is submitted to the database or retired.
- Integrated with the all ITIL® processes. Knowledge articles are linked to the ITIL® process which generated the article.
- End users and technicians can search the articles using a natural language query, Boolean, exact word or phrase search.
- Articles are submitted to knowledge base collections, which manages access to articles within the collection.
- Work flow is easily re-configured to support customer specific requirements.
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IncidentMonitor™ is a registered trademark of Monitor 24-7 Inc.
IT Infrastructure Library® (ITIL) is a Registered Trade Mark of the Office of Government Commerce.