Product Information
- Workflow Designer
- Service Catalog Designer
- Dashboard & Reports
- Network Monitoring Interface
- Customer Survey
- ITIL® - ITSM Software Solution
- ITIL® Process Overview
- Incident Management Software
- Change Management Software
- Problem Management Software
- Service Asset & Configuration Software
- Service Level Management Software
- Service Catalog Management Software
- Release & Deployment Management Software
- Request Fulfilment Software
- Event Management Software
- Knowledge Management Software
- Internal Service Desk
- External IT Support Desk
- RMA Software Solution
- Sales Support Solution
IncidentMonitor™ Service Catalog Software & Service Portfolio Software
Service Catalog Management Software according to ITIL® Service Design - SD 4.1.1. is to provide a single source of consistent information on all of the agreed services, and ensure that it is widely available to those who are approved to access it. With the goal to ensure that a Service Catalog Software is produced and maintained, containing accurate information on all operational services and those being prepared to be run operationally.
IncidentMonitor™ Service Catalog Software & Service Portfolio Software
IncidentMonitor™ Service Catalog Software provides a unique approach to Service Catalog Software, unlike any other solution in the market. IncidentMonitor™ Service Catalog Software is completely integrated to all ITIL® processes. Unlike all other solutions in the market, IncidentMonitor™ Service Catalog Management was not an after though and quickly developed to meet the minimum ITIL requirements. Or unlike other software solutions in the market, IncidentMonitor™ Service Catalog Software is not another vendor's solution integrated to appear to be a consolidated solution.
High level Overview
IncidentMonitor™ Service Catalog Software supports your ITIL® by leveraging the IncidentMonitor™ underlying object model.
- Services are organized into logical groupings in customer and business relevant offering, thereby providing a simple, yet flexible access to all services.
- Users have an entitlement-based view of service Catalog items.
- Within the service Catalog item, users can view sections based on their security access. For example, a manager can view a financial information section, required for planning purposes. The financial information section will not be available to any other users.
- IncidentMonitor™ Service Catalog Management Software provides functionality above and beyond client's ITIL® requirements by allowing the Service Catalog items to be dynamic and easily modified by users with the appropriate level of access.
- Unlike other solutions, the Service Catalog items are not static pages, requiring a developer to modify.
- Leveraging the underlying IncidentMonitor™ Software object model, the administrator can create sections in multiple languages. Using the IncidentMonitor™ user interface, the Service Catalog Software items can be assembled. When the user logs into IncidentMonitor™, the Service Catalog items will be displayed in the user's language of choice. For example, Service Catalog items will be displayed in French for a French user, Dutch for a Dutch user, etc. The user can also submit a request from the Service Catalog item.
Some features of the out of the box Service Catalog Management Software process
- Service Catalog Designer! Easy configuration tool to create your own forms
- Link Service Catalogue forms to workflows designed with the workflow designer!
- Role-based access to service Catalog items
- Role-based access to sections within the service Catalog items
- Users can submit requested from within the service Catalog item
- Service Catalog item will be displayed in the user's language of choice
- Administration of the service Catalogues are dynamic and do not require specific administrative skill sets to configure and publish
- Service Catalog seamlessly integrate with any ITIL® process to create requests in Request Fulfilment, Incident, Change Management, etc
- Out-of-box interactive and scheduled reports. Customer-specific reports can also be easily created
- Integrates with Service Asset and Configuration Management, where CI(s) can be associated with the service Catalog item. When a request is created from the service Catalog item, the CI is automatically associated with the request.
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IT Infrastructure Library® (ITIL) is a Registered Trade Mark of the Office of Government Commerce.